Associative Psycholinguistic Studies in Russian and Sierra Leonean Languages


Pessima Sahr Chayama

1 st year master's student, group 234-321

Course Objective

The objective of the course is to study the experience and results of research in the field of developing an associative dictionary and thesaurus aimed at evaluating the linguistic consciousness of native speakers of Sierra Leonean and Russian languages; approaches and methods for processing associative data and understanding cognitive processes in language use.

Expected Outcomes

The result of mastering the course is the development of students' abilities to choose optimal methods and techniques for evaluating linguistic associations; organize and conduct associative experiments; set research objectives, select experimental methods, interpret, and present the results of psycholinguistic research.

Main Objectives of the Course

The main objectives of mastering the course "Development of Associative Dictionary and Thesaurus" include:

  • Studying the cognitive processes underlying language use through the analysis of associative dictionaries and thesauri.

  • Evaluating linguistic consciousness by assessing how native speakers relate to words and concepts in their languages.

  • Investigating mechanisms of speech impact to understand how associative connections influence communication patterns and social interactions.

  • Analyzing patterns of socialization that lead to semantic changes and the emergence of new associative connections over time.

  • Exploring semantic laws and the interplay between semantics and syntax in language structure.

Specific Objectives

  • Conducting associative experiments to gather data on word associations from native speakers.

  • Implementing automated data processing techniques for efficient analysis of large datasets.

  • Comparative analysis of associative patterns between Sierra Leonean and Russian languages to identify similarities and differences.

Mastery of Methods

  • Gaining experience in selecting optimal methods for analyzing associative data.

  • Managing the process of data collection and analysis in psycholinguistic research.

  • Conducting primary processing of associative data to establish foundational insights into linguistic consciousness.

  • Mastering methods of data analysis in psycholinguistic research and algorithms for processing associative data.