Ксенофонтова Халидя ЗейнятулловнаПреподаватель
The discipline "Management of distributed communities" is aimed at students receiving higher education, aimed at obtaining the competence
necessary to perform a new type of professional activity in the field of effective functioning of the sales management system of the organization as a whole and
in its structural divisions, acquiring the qualification of "Manager".
Course objectives:
to develop knowledge in the field of technologies for assessing the economic and social conditions of entrepreneurial activity, identifying new
opportunities and forming new business models.
formation of business coordination skills in order to ensure consistency in the implementation of the business plan by all participants.
The objectives of the course are to develop students' ability to analyze the interrelationships between functional strategies of companies in order to prepare balanced management decisions.
to develop the ability to analyze organizational and economic problems in order to stimulate production and increase sales,
improve the quality and competitiveness of manufactured goods and services, and make economical and efficient use of material, financial and labor